分类: Speaking

A Favourite Season

Describe your favourite season of the year.You should saywhat it iwhen it iwhat you dand why you like it....

A Time Being Visited

Describe a time when someone visited your home.You should saywho he or she wawhen it happenewhat you di...

Something Done with An Old Person

Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family.You should saywhat it ihow often you do i...

A Situation You Need to be Polite

Describe a situation when you had to be polite.You should saywhat situation it wawho were therwhy you had to be polit...

A Good Photo

Describe a good photo of you taken by someonYou should saywhere it was takewhen it was takewho took it for yo...

A Historical Period

Describe a historical period that you are interested in.You should saywhat the historical period ihow you know i...

A River in Your Country

Describe an important river/area of water in your country.You should sayhow long the river iwhere it i...

A Toy in Your Childhood

Describe a toy you had in your childhood.You should saywhen you had the towho gave the towhat it was lik...

A Memorable Story

Describe a memorable story told by someone.You should saywho told you the storwhen you heard the stor...

A TV Program

Describe a TV program.You should saywhat the TV program ihow you know iwhat it is likand why you like it....