Types of Ads
Where are the places we see advertisements?
Is there much advertising / Are there many advertisements in your country?
Where do you find advertisements outdoors?
What are the different kinds of advertising?
What kinds of media are available for advertising in your country?
Are there any other traditional kinds of media for advertising other than TV and newspapers?
Advertising Media
What are the differences in advertisements on television and those in magazines?
Do you watch advertisements on television or on internet?
Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?
Is advertising on the internet very influential?
Effects of Advertisements
What are the good and bad points of advertisements?
Are advertisements important?
What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?
Do you think advertising is the most effective way to publicise a product?
Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy things? And How?
Will people’s buying greatly affected by advertising?
Do you think advertising play a very important role in today’s world?
Why do you think companies advertise themselves?
To You
Do advertisements influence your choice of product?
Have you ever bought anything after seeing its advertisements?
To Children
Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on children?
Attitudes towards Ads
Do you like advertisements?
How do you feel about advertisements?
Do young and old people have the same attitudes towards advertisements?
Do you think there are too many advertisements? (in society/on TV/in magazines and newspapers/on the street)
Do you think that advertisements which feature celebrities are more likely to succeed?
What do you think about the developments in advertising in your country today?
Advertising regulation
Does the Chinese government control advertisements in any way?
Do you think there should be controls on advertising?
Do you think that advertisements for products that harm the health, such as cigarettes, should be
Good ads
What type of advertisements do you prefer to use for getting information?
What kind of advertisement do you like the most?
How do advertisements attract attention?
What characteristics should a good advertisement have?
Is comedy used much in advertisements in your country?
Do you think funny advertisements on TV are effective?
What kinds of advertisements do you like the most?
What sort of advertisements have a deeper impact on people?
Did you see any recent ad which had a deep impact on you?
What kinds of advertisements do you find most interesting?
What kind of advertisements do you like to watch?
Bad ads
Are any kinds of advertising in China considered illegal?
Do you trust advertisements? (Why? /Why not?)
How do you feel about false advertising?
What kinds of products are most often (most easily) promoted by false advertising?
Can you think of any example of false advertising?