What is plain English?

更新 2018年11月10日 发布 2018年11月10日  Posts

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Plain English (or layman’s terms) is language that is easy to understand, emphasizes clarity and brevity, and avoids overly complex vocabulary. Additionally, it is free of clichés and needless technical jargon, and should be appropriate to the audience’s developmental or educational level and their familiarity with the topic. The term is commonly used when discussing government or business communication.

For example:

(The problem word is listed first; the plain English alternative follows.)

abundance – enough, plenty, (or specific amount)
accede to – allow, agree to
accelerate – speed up
accentuate – stress
accommodation – room
accompany – go with, with
accomplish – do

To find more:

List of plain English words and phrases