*For example, adolescence is a peak period for boredom, largely because children and teenagers are not given a lot of control over what they want to do.
Due to
Be attributable to
Explain why
*The need for external stimulation may explain why extroverts tend to be particularly prone to boredom.
Explanation for
There are other explanations for the recent growth of investment in the cultural infrastructure.
Occur when
*Flow occurs when a person’s skills match the level of challenge presented by the environment and when a task includes clear goals and immediate feedback.
The reason for/why/that is …
The root of
*As Kierkegaard remarked, boredom is “the root of all evil.”
A motivating force
*Boredom is such a motivating force that people do all kind of things to ease the pain.
A catalyst for
*Boredom can be a catalyst for action. It can provide an opportunity for thought and reflection.
An opportunity for
*Boredom can be a catalyst for action. It can provide an opportunity for thought and reflection.
Lead to
*In contrast, tasks that people perceive to be too difficult lead to anxiety.
*In general, too much of the same thing and too little stimulation can cause in its victim an absence of desire and a feeling of entrapment.
*Boredom is similar to mental fatigue and is caused by repetition and lack of interest in the details of our tasks (e.g., tasks that require continuous attention, prisoners who are locked up, waiting at the airport).
Be a consequence of
*Ennui is a consequence of unfulfilled aspirations.
As a result
*Boredom is similar to mental fatigue and is caused by repetition and lack of interest in the details of our tasks (e.g., tasks that require continuous attention, prisoners who are locked up, waiting at the airport).
Relate to
A positive link between … and …
*There is also a positive link between very low educational attainment and boredom.
Link to
*Boredom is linked to problems with attention.
Correspond to
*The condition corresponds more precisely to the French ennui, an existential perception of life’s futility.
Same as
Similar to
*Boredom is similar to mental fatigue and is caused by repetition and lack of interest in the details of our tasks (e.g., tasks that require continuous attention, prisoners who are locked up, waiting at the airport).
In contrast
In contrast, tasks that people perceive to be too difficult lead to anxiety.
Unable to
Inability to
*An inability to know what will make one happy can lead to a more profound existential boredom.
Not doing
*Not knowing what we are searching for means that we lack the capacity to choose appropriate goals for engagement with the world (Eastwood, 2012).
Fail to
*In the absence of inner amusement skills, the external world will always fail to provide enough excitement and novelty.
Lack of
In the absence of
*In the absence of inner amusement skills, the external world will always fail to provide enough excitement and novelty.
At risk of/for
*People with a strong need for novelty, excitement, and variety are at risk of boredom.
*The chronically bored are at higher risk for drug addiction, alcoholism, and compulsive gambling.
*Novelty seeking and risk taking is the way that these people self-medicate to cure their boredom.
In other words
That is
*People feel boredom a lot when they feel trapped. And feeling trapped is a big part of boredom. That is, they are stuck or constrained so that their will cannot be executed.
After all
*After all, it is hard to be interested in something when you cannot concentrate on it.
To find more
Reporting verbs and Hedging Language