
What’s the weather like today?
What kind of weather do you like?
What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?

Weather & Mood
How does the weather (or the seasons) affect people’s work?

Weather & Hometown
What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
How often is the weather good in your hometown?
Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?

Weather forecast
Do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?

Do you like snow?

Do you like rainy days?
What do you think is worse, too much rain or not enough rain?

China’s Climate
Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)
Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?
When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?
In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?
Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Raining & Moods
How do people feel about rain?

Raining Downsides
Does rain ever affect transportation in your home?

Rainy Activities
What do you do usually do when it rains?

+Sunny & Sunshine
Do you like sunny days?
Are there many sunny days in your hometown?
Would you go to a country with little sunshine?
When do you prefer sunshine, morning or afternoon?
Have you ever been a place without sunshine?

Sunshine Benefits
Do you like sunshine?
What benefits can we get from the sun?

Sunshine Downsides
Do you think there are any dangers from sunshine?

Sunshine & Moods
Does sunshine change your mood?

Sunny-day Activities
What do you often do on sunny days?
What do you like to do when it’s a sunny day?
Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?

Unsuitable Activities
What do you dislike doing when it’s sunny outside?
What things do you think is hard to do in sunshine?

Sunshine & Technology
Are there any technologies with sun in nowadays?