Reporting verbs and Hedging Language

更新 2020年5月8日 发布 2018年11月19日  Vocabulary

Reporting verbs


e.g. address, assume, categorise, comment, compare, contrast, declare, define, demonstrate, describe, discuss, document, examine, explain, explore, express, find, focus on, found, go on to say that, identify, indicate, inform, interpret, investigate, list, mention, note, observe, outline, point out, present, reflect, regard, remark, report, reveal, show, state, study, take into consideration, use, view


e.g. admit, advise, caution, consider, hypothesise, imply, intimate, moot, posit the view that, postulate, propose, question, reason, recommend, speculate, suggest

Strong (in favour)

e.g. accentuate, acknowledge, advocate, affirm, appraise, argue, assert, believe, claim, concede, conclude, condone, confirm, contend, convince, declare, determine, emphasise, encourage, endorse, establish, highlight, infer, insist, presume, maintain, recognise, satisfy, stress, substantiate, support the view that, theorise, urge,

Strong (against)

e.g. challenge, contradict, caution, deny, disagree, disregard, dismiss, dispute, doubt, counter the view/argument that, deny, ignore, misinterpret, negate, object, oppose, refute, reject

Hedging Language

Introductory phrases

e.g. seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, believe, doubt, be sure, indicate, suggest

Modal verbs

e.g. may, might, could, would, should, ought to

Modal adverbs

e.g. certainly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibly, perhaps, conceivably

Category:English modal adverbs

Modal adjectives

e.g. certain, definite, clear, probable, possible

Modal nouns

e.g. assumption, possibility, probability


e.g. some, many, most, a number of, a fraction of, a minority/majority of, a proportion of



mainly,  largely, quite, fairly, rather, relatively, slightly

somewhat, somehow, to some extent, to a large extent, at least

approximately, roughly, about, more or less

often, sometimes,  generally, in general, usually, typically, normally, occasionally, rarely

in the context of …, in certain situations…, in some cases, in/under any circumstances, within some households…, on the whole


e.g. based on, according to, there is some evidence that,


e.g. tend to, have/has a tendency to/for, be prone to, be likely to

It-is clauses


It may be possible to obtain…
It is important to develop…
It is useful to study…
It would seem logical that
It is arguable
It seems equally likely that

It is widely recognized that;
It is not known whether
It is believed that
It is said that
It has been shown that
It might be suggested that…;

It could be the case that…;

There-be clauses


There is little doubt that,
There is some doubt that,
There is no doubt that,
There is some evidence
There is every hope that…


e.g. if true, if anything

Compound hedges

e.g. seems reasonable, looks probable



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