[Speaking] 给出否定答案

更新 2018年6月6日 发布 2018年6月6日  Posts

1. Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child?

No I didn’t. I was never very good at drawing or painting, and I found art lessons quite slow and boring. I preferred language and science lessons.

2. Do you ever draw or paint pictures now?

No, I don’t draw or paint these days, because there’s never any need for me to create art at work, and I still don’t enjoy art as a hobby.

3. When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition?

I honestly can’t remember the last time I went to any kind of art exhibition; I’m not much of an art fan, and I tend to go to music concerts, the cinema or the theatre instead of art shows.

4. What kind of pictures do you like having in your home?

I don’t have any paintings or artistic images in my home, but I do have photos of family members and some nice photos of landscapes on the walls to brighten the place up.