Time Management

Are you an organized person?

Are you a person who’s good at time management?

Where did you learn how to organize your time?

If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?

Treasure Time

Do you think it’s important to treasure the time we have?

How important is it to treasure the time we have?


Do you think it’s necessary for people to manage their time well?

Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?

What do you think people would gain if they were better at managing their time?

When is it most important for you to manage time?

Faster-paced Life

Do you think that we now live a faster-paced life than previously?

Do you think modern technology gives us more time, or less?


Do you find it hard to manage your time?

Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?

Children & Time Management

Should parents (teachers) teach children how to manage their time well?

Do you think children should learn to manage time?

How would you teach your children time management?


How do you organize you time?

Compare the way you organise your time with other people you know.

What do you (people) do to use your (their) time effectively?

How could people make better use of their time?

Why are some people better at managing time than others?

What impact might technology have on the way people manage their time?

Do you think planning is important for time management?

How do you think you could better manage your time?

Do old people and young people manage time in a similar way?