标签: IELTS Task 1


University Students Should Develop Specialist rather than A Wider Range (Persuasive)

170803 Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area rather than de...

Students Work Very Hard as Pressure Increasing; Positive or Negative (Persuasive)

170819 In recent years pressure on school and university students has been increasing and they are p...

Money Spent on Artists Can Be Better (Persuasive)

170909 Some people think that any money government spent on artist (like musicians, poets and painte...

Spend Money on Saving Minor Languages; A Waste of Money (DtD)

171104 Some people think governments should spend money on measures to save languages with few speak...

Online Shopping Is Replacing Traditional Shopping (Persuasive)

171111 Online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Do you think it is a positive or negative de...

Major Cities Continue to Grow; Young People Face Problems (E&S)

171125 As major cities continue to grow, what kind of problems may the young people face? How to sol...

Money Spend on Old Buildings Should on New Modern Buildings (Persuasive)

171202 Too much money is spent on looking after and repairing old buildings. Some people think money...

Men Look after Children; Women Work Full-time (C&Persuasive)

171214 In many countries, more and more men are staying at home to look after their children when wo...

Social Networking Sites Have Negative Impact on Individuals and Society (Persuasive)

171216 Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have had a negative impac...