标签: IELTS Part 2
Describe an important river/area of water in your country.You should sayhow long the river iwhere it i...
Describe a toy you had in your childhood.You should saywhen you had the towho gave the towhat it was lik...
Describe a memorable story told by someone.You should saywho told you the storwhen you heard the stor...
Describe a TV program.You should saywhat the TV program ihow you know iwhat it is likand why you like it....
A Country/City to Live or Work
Describe a country or city where you would like to live or work in the future.You should saywhere the country or city i...
A Public Place Needing Improvements
Describe a public place that you think need improvements.You should saywhere this public place iwhat it is lik...
Describe an occasion when you helped a person.You should saywhat the situation wawho you helpehow you helpe...
A Time You Got Suggestions
Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.You should saywhen you receivewho gave you the suggestion...
Describe a public park or garden.You should saywhere it iwhat it looks likwhat you do therhow you feel about it....
Describe a (good) decision someone made.You should saywho made iwhat was the decisiowhen it was mad...